Department of Manufacture and Automation Engineering participates in the education of engineering specialists focused on the complex forest-wood-environment. It provides pedagogy in the following fields: machine-instrument-workpiece, transport and manipulation technology, informatics, automation and control systems.
Quality experts to practice
Study program Manufacturing Technology and Management of Production Processes = career prospects and growth, meaningful employment
Machine – Tool – Workpiece
Comprehensive knowledge is a basic prerequisite for career prospects in engineering practice.
Modern controlling
The knowledge gained from automation, electric drives and control systems can be applied to different types of manufacturing technology.
In 2025, we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the founding of the department.
The main mission of the Department of Manufacture and Automation Technology
(DMAT) is comprehensive-spectrum and complex provision of specialized pedagogical and scientific research activities in the following fields:
machine-instrument-workpiece, manipulation and transport technology, as well as computer science, automation and control systems of machines
Rýchle linky
Katedra výrobnej a automatizačnej technikyFakulta techniky
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene
T. G. Masaryka 24
960 01 Zvolen
+421 45 5206 561
Head of the Department

+421 455 206 477